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Veteran with Hearing Damage from 3M Earplugs


For veterans who have served in the Armed Forces, their health and well-being is often put at risk. One of the most commonly reported issues among military personnel is hearing damage caused by 3M Earplugs. These earplugs were developed for use by U.S. soldiers and were meant to protect hearing from loud noises created during combat operations or training exercises. However, it has been revealed that these earplugs can be defective and can fail to provide adequate protection against loud noises, leading to permanent hearing loss or damage in some cases. If you or a loved one has suffered hearing loss or other injuries due to 3M Earplugs, there are legal options available to seek compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other costs related to the injuries. There is an upcoming legal deadline for filing claims due to these defective earplugs, so read on for more information on how you can take action today. If you are a Veteran with Hearing Damage, the 3M Earplug Lawyers offer a free 3M Earplug lawsuit consultation and work on a contingent model – meaning we only get paid if we win you money. Fill out the form below to see if you qualify!

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What is the 3M Earplug Lawsuit?

If you are a veteran who used 3M earplugs while serving in the military between 2003 and 2015, you may be at risk for hearing damage. The 3M Company has agreed to pay $9.1 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that they sold defective earplugs to the military.

If you served in the military during this time period and now have hearing loss or tinnitus, you may be eligible to file a claim against 3M. The deadline to file a claim is fast approaching, so it is important to act now if you believe you may have a case.

An experienced attorney can help you understand your legal options and whether you are eligible to file a claim against 3M. Contact Us today for a free consultation.

Who is Eligible to File a Claim?

If you were a military service member between 2003 and 2015 and you were issued 3M earplugs to use during your service, you may be eligible to file a claim against the company. The reason for this is that the earplugs were defective and did not do their job in protecting soldiers from hearing damage. If you now suffer from any type of hearing loss or tinnitus, you could be entitled to compensation through this class-action lawsuit.

The deadline to file a claim is soon approaching, so if you think you may be eligible, it’s important to act now. You can learn more about the lawsuit and how to file a claim by visiting the link below.

How Much Money Could You Get from the Settlement?

If you were in the military between 2003 and 2015 and used 3M’s Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2 (CAEv2), you may be entitled to money from the recently announced $9.0 million settlement. The deadline to file a claim is January 28, 2020.

How much money could you get? It depends on several things, including how long you used the earplugs, the severity of your hearing loss, whether you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and when you submit your claim form.

According to the terms of the settlement, 3M will pay $7.1 million to service members who have suffered hearing loss as a result of using the CAEv2 earplugs. Of that amount, $5.4 million will go into a fund for those with “non-central” hearing loss – meaning that their hearing damage is not primarily focused in one area.

The other $1.7 million will be set aside for those with “central” hearing loss – meaning that their hearing damage is focused in one area, such as near the center of their head. Each person with central hearing loss will receive at least $6,000 from this fund. In addition, 3M has agreed to pay up to $1.9 million for medical examinations for veterans who believe they have suffered hearing loss due to using the CAEv2 earplugs.

When is the Deadline to File a Claim?

If you or a loved one served in the military between 2003 and 2015 and used 3M earplugs during that time, it’s important to know that you may be eligible for compensation. A recent court ruling found that 3M knowingly sold defective earplugs to the military, resulting in hearing damage for thousands of service members. The deadline to file a claim is fast approaching, so if you think you might have a case, it’s important to act now.

If you or a loved one has experienced hearing damage after using 3M earplugs during military service, you may be entitled to compensation. A recent court ruling found that 3M sold defective earplugs to the military, resulting in hearing damage for thousands of service members. The deadline to file a claim is soon approaching, so if you think you might have a case, it’s important to act now.

Filing a claim against 3M is not difficult, but it must be done within the statute of limitations. In most cases, this means that claims must be filed by August 1, 2019. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you’re not sure whether you qualify for an extension, it’s best to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

If you or someone you love has been affected by this issue, we understand how difficult it can be. Our team is here to help answer any questions you may have about

How Do I File a Claim?

If you are a veteran who has suffered hearing damage as a result of using M earplugs, you may be eligible to file a claim. The deadline to file a claim is fast approaching, so it is important to act now.

There are two ways to file a claim. You can either file online or through the mail. If you choose to file online, you will need to create an account and provide some basic information about yourself and your military service. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access the online claim form.

If you choose to file by mail, you can download the claim form here. Once you have completed the form, you will need to send it to the address listed on the form.

It is important to note that you must submit your claim by the deadline in order to be considered for benefits. The deadline for filing a claim is only a few months away.

What If I Have More Questions?

If you have more questions about the Veterans With Hearing Damage From M Earplugs lawsuit, there are a few ways to get answers. First, you can visit the website of the law firm that is handling the case. Second, you can call the law firm and speak to someone directly. Third, you can attend one of the informational meetings that the law firm is hosting across the country. Finally, you can read through the Frequently Asked Questions section on this website.


If you are a Veteran who has suffered from hearing damage due to 3M Earplugs, then it is important for you to act soon. There is a deadline in place in order to file your claim and receive the compensation that you deserve. We hope this article has provided some clarity on what filing a lawsuit entails and how it can help Veterans seeking justice. Do not wait too long, contact an experienced lawyer today if you feel that have been wronged by 3M’s defective earplugs. The 3M Earplug Lawyers offer a free 3M Earplug lawsuit consultation and work on a contingent model – meaning we only get paid if we win you money. Fill out the form below to see if you qualify!

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